Express Your Ze: 3D Graphic Design Series

Jonas Nuhnes ( based in Barcelona, Spain 🇪🇸
Express Your Ze is an Instagram series where we invited creators from all over the world to create their unique "Ze".
Here are nine graphic designers that each gave a unique and meaningful perspective through the power of design.
Branding through Embroidery
Octavia Van Horik (@octaviavanhorik) based in the Netherlands 🇳🇱
"Typography and Colour are often the most important and exciting components in my creative process. They translate my mood, my emotion at this exact moment. Then comes the details, the textures, the surfaces… It is always an unexpected result. A surprise of eventually how things can turn out. I never define beforehand what the end result will be, I rather let it come to me. I guess it represents how things are in real life, each day can take a new turn."
Branding is a Complex Puzzle
Jonas Nunes Motion Design Artist based in Barcelona
"A puzzle with geometric pieces shows how "Ze" is constructed. From simple things like primitive shapes, once put together in the right order, we can create something more complex. It is like an abecedary: with the letters we create words, and with the words, we create sentences, with the sentences we write books and so on, but all born from the same elemental letters."
When Branding Feels Optimistic
Mat Brown 3D, Flat and Moving Artist based in New York @matbrown01_3d
"I am a 3D Generalist, which means I like to experiment with different styles, colors, and materials. I love experimenting with color palettes and seeing how different textures work against each other. Normally my work reflects my mood at the time of making; In the case of Ze I was feeling quite optimistic."
Non-Gender Branding
Joan Adrover@joan.adroverin Mallorca, Spain
"I wanted to work complex lettering that makes people take more seconds to read what's behind the shapes. I designed it using black and white to keep the artwork neutral to represent the "non-gender" because of "Ze" meaning. I have used this style many times before, so I could say it might be "style" and I feel really identified with it."
Branding in Harmony
Gehan Magee @gehanmageefrom Australia
"I try to focus on the words that I'm writing. Where they come from. What they mean to me/others. This influences all aspects of the work, from colours, splashes of paint, how everything lives together in harmony and conveys the message of Ze."
Branding through Characters
Ryogo Toyoda @ryogotoyodain Tokyo, Japan
"What I think is interesting about ZeBrand is that it helps businesses express their unique identities with branding. As a character designer, I wanted to introduce some characters as individual brands along with various branding elements like typography."
Nature-Inspired Branding
Amrit Pal Singh @amritpaldesignin India
"I wanted to make something whimsical yet elegant. That is why I have playful swirls and green is for my love of nature. "
Branding Process
Ninaad Kothawade @ninaad.kothawadein India
"I like to think of my Ze as something that goes on inside my head. With a work routine in place, working as a graphic designer must make your brain look like a complex and colorful set of connections and systems. Maybe some tiny people working around that colorful machinery to carry out the mundane and add some human touch to it? As much as I love my work, and my brain loves the labor. Every once in a while it needs a break, where things are easy and maybe those tiny people lay around in leisure and listen to my nonsensical panderings."
Branding with the Flow
Neha Kamath @nehacometin India:
"I am currently in a phase where I have been experimenting a lot with paper and lettering. I like to generally go with the flow while creating anything and also generally in life. I used the same approach while creating the Ze and letting the paper letters flow into each other while creating a sense of depth and movement."
Let's Collaborate!
ZeBrand loves collaborating with artists around the world! If you know any 3D designers, share this post with them. We would love to feature them on our Instagram page at @zebrand.official in the future.